Data Culture Conclusions

A data Culture is a supportive environment where effort is encouraged and supported, successes are shared, and failures are seen as opportunities. This is what is best for your business and ultimately why we all got into the jobs, we do. A rich Data Culture builds and fosters growth and development. This results in a better bottom line and a more motivated team. Unfortunately, the counter-culture in many organisations is the Superhero Culture (a member of the team regularly wears their pants on the outside to fix things), a Culture of Fear… where would you rather be?

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Let it be known that I am not what I would consider “Happy clappy”, but I have seen how a culture can make or break a business, the challenge for Senior Leaders is to be able to see what their culture is and more importantly are the driving the culture in the correct direction. Think back to our Process Mining example, two of the team accounted for nearly 50% of the work, but one had a 20% higher SLA compliance, looking deeper into the figures gave a vert different picture compared to the initial KPI based view. This is where a Data Culture becomes a must, Data will only get your so far and in order to understand the data and make it truly informative you have to engage those who do the work. Given that was sample data we’ll never know the truth, but I know where my experience tells me to look.

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