WW-02-03-Scaling up – Make it Bigger!

Whenever you do things in an Enterprise environment, the goal is never to do the first thing. Instead, you have to think about the next evolution and how you will continue to evolve your solution. In terms of our Power BI report for parkrun, the initial “Latest Event” report is just the beginning, and the goal is to come up with a mechanism to report on ALL events.

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Planning for all this, of course, began at the first meeting. It was always clear that an all events report would be required; the reality is that there are limitations in access to the parkrun dataset, so it is always about preparing for the next step. In this case, we change the URL and add a hardcoded Event Number, and suddenly it’s possible to pull everything together.

Challenge two is that the feature of the parkrun site is that the security protocols will block excessive attempts. In practice, you can likely import ten events at a time, however, from experience. We are using groups of five.

https://www.parkrun.org.uk/[parkrun Name]/results/weeklyresults/?runSeqNumber=[EventNumber]

To pull in the link that will allow you to link to your Participants parkrun page. The decision is yours as to how best to implement this.

{"Link", "a", each [Attributes][href]}

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